DevEx Litmus Test

Imagine a scenario where a recent graduate, fresh out of their educational institution, joins your team.

They possess a foundational understanding of the technologies in use, such as React for the Front-End and Go-Lang for the API, or even a full stack RoR application.

It’s Monday, their first day, and they have just been granted access to their work station.

How long will it take this new engineer to make a change and see it in production? To be more precise, let’s consider a task involving adding a “url” field to the user profile section of your application.

For a reasonably skilled engineer operating within a well-documented system that prioritizes developer productivity and experience, half a day should suffice.

Now, let’s switch perspectives to a scenario where the engineer has been part of the team for 12 months. They are now assigned the task of incorporating a “github” url/handle field. How much time should this task require?

Approximately 90 minutes.

These timeframes are indicative measures and encompass all essential aspects such as documentation, coding, testing, deployment, quality assurance, A/B testing, and more.

It’s important to note that these timeframes are not meant to be strict targets but rather serve as a starting point for evaluating your team’s current productivity levels and identifying areas for improvement.